All about living in this crazy, wonderful city called Bombay

October 21, 2005

Anniversary Blowout!!!!

This month is anniversary time for our office...Good Housekeeping's first anniv, Cosmopolitan's ninth anniv and Design Today's fourth anniv. We killed ourselves during the month putting out the bumper special issues - Cosmopolitan is 600-plus pages and then celebrated by rocking the night away at Athena in Delhi!!

Cosmopolitan has hit the stands in Bombay today...the highlight for me is the write-up on Aishwarya Rai by Prahlad Kakkar. As always, in Cosmo, we believe in doing things differently. Aish, as we all know, is so media wary (and rightly so after the way she has been treated by the country's various publications) that we were unlikely to get anything beyond what's already been published umpteen times. So we went to one of the guys who knows her best - from Sanju in Pepsi to being her present day neighbour, Prahlad has seen Aishwarya through every success and pitfall right from the beginning. And while talking to him, I saw a side of Aish that nobody would have believed existed. It was an amazing eye-opener. I am not telling you more - go pick up the copy!!


Anonymous said...

The issue reveals Ash well as a human with her frailities and undoubted strenghts.I liked the last part where he mentioned that Ashwas initallya gawky teenager who didnt know how to be sexy. But now she has changed into an stunner and capable model/actress. Her inner beauty has developed into a eye catching beauty which has the world in thral.I must add much to the jealousy of many crab mentality people.

Anonymous said...

The issue is a total sellout at least with the vendor I buy from. I was overhearing the reaction of two young college girls who saw the cover image and were saying so beautiful and immediately bought the issue. These girls were mighty impressed with the beautiful cover page.