All about living in this crazy, wonderful city called Bombay

August 28, 2004

Today has been one of the most shitty days that I have faced in recent memory. Have been surviving on less than three hours of sleep everyday since the past week, finishing this major project for the India Today Group...and then woke up today morning to find that my broadband is not working! Needed broadband desperately because submitting the project required uploading eight pictures of more than 100 MB each, which is just not possible on VSNL connectivity.

With the afternoon deadline looming straight ahead, kept trying to revive it but nothing worked. To cut a long story short, had to call in three engineers (two from my cable guy, one from my computer contract office) and had to spend three hours before it was discovered that there was a problem with the LAN card. Got a new card from Lamington road, then found that its drivers were on a floppy, and my floppy drive was not working (who uses a floppy drive noawadays????)!! Tried connecting to the Net through VSNL to download the drivers, but the VSNL account had too few remaining hours for the purpose. Then mad dash to the VSNL office, where they take absolute ages to get the simplest of things done, came back home, downloaded the drivers and installed the card. After which, of course, the cable guy discovers that the password for the broadband account has been blocked for some strange reason, and the administrative office has shut down for the it restored after much begging and pleading, and have finally now been able to get onto the Net eight hours after this nightmare started!!

And I thought computers were supposed to make our life simpler????

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