All about living in this crazy, wonderful city called Bombay

March 23, 2004

Why do I do this to myself?????? Why can't I say No! to a story if I find it interesting, even if I have no clue as to how I am going to budget it into my time? And why do I find so many varied subjects interesting in the first place????? Because of this, by this weekend I have to do three full length features, three 400-word features, chase two celebs for pieces that they are supposed to be writing for a mag with whom I work as Commissioning Editor, and source pix for all this stuff as well!! And this is alongside the fact that by this very-same weekend I have to independantly draft all the sponsorship and fund-raising proposals for the VCCCI in the year 2004-05, and fix up venues where we shall be hosting our events over the next 12 months. Plus a host of other miscellaneous stuff like helping my brother prep for his MBA an airconditioner before I melt in this crazy heat.....send my IT stuff to the CA.....etc. etc. etc. etc. Catch you later if I am alive by then :(

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